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Our metal experts have been involved in the following recent cases.

Raw Materials Advisory Support

  • Expert witness in a commercial dispute between an Indian raw materials supplier and a Pakistani integrated steel company regarding an iron ore purchase (ICC International Court of Arbitration, London).
  • Provision of information on historical prices of steel scrap for use in arbitration between a shipping company and purchaser of steel scrap - for London-based law firm, representing the shipping company.
  • Arbitration concerning pricing of iron ore from India to a purchaser in China, including preparation of expert report for Hong Kong law firm, representing the purchaser.
  • Expert opinion on reasonableness of a joint venture to develop an Indonesian Iron Sands project to produce a profitable operation.
  • Expert witness advisory support on iron ore buyer/seller contract dispute, Honduras.
  • Expert Witness – Report and appearance at LMAA Tribunal, London, on the effects of the 2016 Ebola epidemic on the Iron Ore Industry of Sierra Leone.

Iron Units including Iron Ore, Pig Iron & DRI

  • Support for a government client in South Asia relating to a compensation claim on a direct reduced iron (DRI) plant. Expert role was to provide written evidence concerning market, technical and economic testimony for calculation of a damages award.
  • Calculation of quantum relating to breach of contract claim, further to non-delivery of pig iron to a client in Turkey.

Steel Quality, Standards & Breach of Contract

  • Technical advice concerning damage claim relating to corrosion-related write-off of a steel rebar consignment delivered by a Middle Eastern client, due to rust formation.
  • Provision of expert advice for Egyptian client relating to breach of contract issue relating to straightness of a consigment of long products against accepted international standards.
  • Assisted London insurance broking firm in understanding common practices relating to letters of credit. Able to demonstrate that documents presented in a particular case were invalid in proving origin and destination of steel shipments.

Alumina and Aluminium

  • Arbitration concerning breach of an alumina contract between a trader and consumer in India, including preparation of expert report on alumina markets and prices. Role involved appearance at an arbitration hearing in London.
  • Arbitration and associated court cases concerning the pricing of aluminium and alumina in transactions involving a major aluminium company, a trading company and a smelter in the CIS area. Role included a review of documents; discussions with solicitors and barristers; preparation of expert reports; preparation of joint reports with experts from the opposing side; and appearance at a formal arbitration hearing in London.

Copper including Quantum Calculations and Contract Disputes

  • Investigation into in insurance claim for loss of copper concentrates at a Far Eastern smelter due to a typhoon.
  • Investigation into alleged tonnage loss and change in quality of copper concentrate shipped from Peru to Malaysia.
  • Expert Witness for copper concentrate buyer/seller contract dispute.
  • Part of the expert team to assist Federal and Local governments in the arbitrations brought against them by an International company developing a copper project in Pakistan.
  • Valuation of damaged (waterlogged) consignment tof copper concentrate, Finland.
  • Investigation into alleged loss of quality and quantum of copper concentrate consignment shipped from Peru to Malaysia.
  • Investigation into in insurance claim for loss of copper concentrates at a Far Eastern smelter due to a typhoon, December 2017.

Lead & Zinc including Technology Issues, Valuations and Quality Matters

  • Expert witness appearance on technical matters relating to zinc processing in London Arbitration.
  • Adviser on lead refining technology.
  • Support with lead-zinc concentrate quality dispute between Australian mine and Indian smelter.
  • Key role in valuation of consignment of lead concentrate.


  • Expert Witness representing the buyer in a dispute over the value of a consignment of nickel oxide.

Gold & Silver

  • Advice on assessment of environmental impacts of gold mineral prospecting activities in Northern Ireland.
  • Expert Witness advising in a dispute between a copper concentrate mine and a copper smelter over the silver content of the concentrate.
  • Valuation of damaged (waterlogged) consignment of silver-lead concentrate.


  • Investigation into theft of six consignments of tin concentrate from TEU containers, Central Africa.
  • Principal technical adviser in case between landlord and UK metal manufacturer regarding storage of large piles of waste slag on site (High Court of Justice, Chancery Division).
  • Valuation of consignment of columbite.
  • Expert Witness - loss of earnings due to late delivery of consignment of manganese ore.

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